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On the 18th September 2003 people in the West started receiving this
plausible-looking email, apparently from Microsoft. The email contains an
attachment, and readers are urged to apply the new "security update". In
fact the email is a fake (apparently originating from Slovakia) and the
attachment is a powerful Internet Worm dubbed "Swen".
It spreads through:
 | emails like the one described, with several different disguises, including
"delivery-failure" notifications |
 | network file-shares & mapped drives |
 | Internet Relay Chat |
 | Music-sharing networks like KaZaA |
 | newsgroups |
If you have Internet Explorer version 5.5 or earlier, and haven't
applied the relevant updates, then the
program can be triggered merely by
viewing the email (including simply allowing it to be displayed in the
Preview Pane in Outlook or Outlook Express).
It is a sophisticated program!
 | It has a realistic installation dialogue (if you choose "cancel" it
installs anyway, of course), and spreads itself round your machine, using
various fake names to make itself harder to find. |
 | It reconfigures your machine so that the program re-starts when Windows
starts, or whenever any other program is run (making it very hard to stamp
out) |
 | It checks for 109 different AntiVirus and Firewall programs that might be
installed, attempts to kill any it finds, and prevents them being started again. |
 | It blocks access to the "Registry Editor", the system tool which
necessary to reverse these changes. |
 | It searches throughout your hard disk and sends copies of itself to every
email address it finds, using its own in-built email program. It
sometimes pops up a fake "error message" asking you for your email account
password, and (if you fall for it) it logs on to your email account to see what
it can find there. |
Even when the laborious process of eradicating the program has been
completed, you are likely to find some parts of your system no longer work
properly. New and even more destructive versions are likely to follow.
If you don't want this to happen to you, make sure your
Key Defences are properly set up and