There is an opportunity to vote for the next year's Community Chair and Vice-Chair. Any resident can stand, and can count on very strong support from the officers of the support team, and ward councillors.
Duties are relatively light: the Community Chair meets with the Councillor Chair and support officers a few weeks before each meeting to thrash out an Agenda - otherwise it's a question of running the first part of each meeting, and balancing competing claims on a finite amount of time. The Vice-Chair is invited to attend the "planning" meeting and will stand in for the Community Chair if he or she is unavailable.
Neither position requires any particular experience or knowledege (as I'm sure I've demonstrated) and the Vice-Chair position in particular is a great opportunity for someone who'd like a "gentle start" in local life. If you'd like to know more, contact the immensely helpful support team on 020 8496 4213 - ask for Dawn or Claire, who will be very happy to explain what's involved. If you'd like a little more insight into the process, have a look at the feedback summary , compiled from Evaluation forms at a recent meeting. You can register as a candidate using this form (21 Kb)
- bring it to the meeting and hand it to an officer or either Chair.