Peg Board
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For much or our history, our coach would organise games, but when he was unavailable, we'd use the Pegboard.

Pegboard RULES:

  • On arrival, select your peg and place in the `Waiting' area of the board, i.e. you should join the queue of players waiting to play (no queue jumping!).
  • The first player "Waiting' selects three other players from the next five waiting to play. They then play on the next free court (moving their pegs to the `Playing" area of the board when they go).
  • Players coming off court return their pegs to the `Waiting' area.  Pegs of the winning pair are placed on the board before the pegs of the losing pair.

Note: with six courts this has become rather unwieldy, so pairings and contests have been chosen informally. It's time for a debate on this - perhaps more than one pegboard could work, each covering two or three courts, though this effectively partitions the club. Ideas welcome!

Update - now using an app

We've started using the Court Manager app. This helps greatly with the job of selecting pairings and matches, and has a facility to take playing standard (beginner, intermediate, advanced) into account.